Thursday, October 7, 2010

Have you read it?

Written by John Rosemond, it is a must-read for those parenting children of all ages. Here's the best part, you don't have to look hard to find it either. You can pick up your copy today in the office of the pre-school. Also, check out this website to find out further information. If you still need a little convincing, here is a testimonial from a parent of one of my pre-kindergarten students. I think you will find her argument compelling.

Miss Heather, I love love love the book. It will be my Christmas present to all my friends

and family.

My son started doing chores. I asked him to transfer the laundry from the washer to

the dryer while I make my bed, so I wanted to share this picture with you.

Thanks, Miss Heather, I have already seen a change in my son since he started at

The Heiskell School.

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