Tuesday, October 26, 2010

God keeps His promises.

You may or may not know that every morning before the children arrive at school, the faculty at Heiskell are meeting together. Mr. Leatherman, our school chaplain, leads the teachers in a time of Bible study and prayer. Throughout the year, we systematically study scripture, taking each passage verse by verse. Just last week, we completed our study through the book of Revelation, and today, we started over in the New Testament with the book of Matthew. Like the gospel of Luke, Matthew begins with a genealogy of Christ. Mr. Leatherman led us to several Old Testament passages of scripture, where God begins to prepare His people for the coming Christ. He begins in Genesis with His covenant to Abraham. Later in the Old Testament, God makes a similar covenant with David, promising to David that his kingdom will last forever. We know that God is not speaking of an earthly kingdom, but of Jesus reigning forever and ever. Today, in my pre-kindergarten class, we looked in depth at the life of Abraham. We discussed how God promised Abraham and wife, Sarah, a son, and how God fulfilled his promise by giving Abraham and Sarah that promised son, Isaac. It is important to note that God always keeps his promises. For me, I was reminded two times today that God does, in fact, keep His promises. I was reminded in faculty devotions first thing this morning and again later with my pre-kindergarten class. Aren't you thankful for that truth today?

“Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.”
Isaiah 41:10

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